Chapter 1313-6COPIER>ADJUST>ADJ-XY>ADJ-Ya-3. shading position adjustment (for fixed reading)COPIER>ADJUST>ADJ-XY>ADJ-Sa-4. main scanning direction MTFCOPIER>ADJUST>CCD>MTF-MG2. ADF-Related AdjustmentsThe machine is designed to retain ADF-related service data in its readercontroller RAM. As such, if you have replaced the reader controller orinitialized the RAM, you will also have to make ADF-relatedadjustments.1) Enter the following values by referring to the values indicated on the P-PRINT page you have previously printed out.a. main scanning direction position adjustment (for stream reading)COPIER>ADJSUT>ADJ-XY>ADJ-Y-DFb. original stop position adjustmentFEEDER>ADJSUT>DOCSTc. original feed speed (magnification) adjustmentFEEDER>ADUST>LA-SPEED2) Make adjustments using the following service mode items:a. Tray Width AdjustmentFEEDER>FUNCTION>TRY-A4FEEDER>FUNCTION>TRY-A5RFEEDER>FUNCTION>TRY-LTRFEEDER>FUNCTION>TRY-LTRRb. CIS Read Position Adjustment (for stream reading)COPIER>FUNCTION>INSTALL>STRD-POSc. White Level AdjustmentCOPIER>FUNCTION>CCD>DF-WLVL1COPIER>FUNCTION>CCD>DF-WLVL2When you have made all the foregoing adjustments, put the P-PRINT page[1] in the service book case, and dispose of the previous printout.F-13-2313.6 Pickup/Feeding System13.6.1 Adjusting the Horizontal Registration WhenReplacing the Cassette 0007-4923iR2270 / iR2870 / iR3570 / iR4570 / / iR2270N / / iR2870N / / iR3570N // iR4570N / iR2230 / / / iR3530 /- 1st Side Adjustment (mechanism)1) Make a copy using the cassette 1/2, and check to make sure that the frontmargin is 2.5 +/-1.5 mm.- If the value is not as indicated for the cassette 1 or 2, make the followingadjustments:F-13-242) If a 2-Cassette Pedestal-Y2 is installed, open the right door [1] of the ped-estal.3) Open the lower right cover [2]; then, remove the 2 screws [3], and detachthe cover (lower front) [4].F-13-254) Take out the cassette 1 or 2.5) Check the index [1] of the adjusting plate.F-13-26- Adjusting the Cassette 16) Remove the 2 claws [2], and detach the grip (right front) [1].0246810(-) (+)2.5±1.5mm[1][2][3][4]