8-6 Phaser 6180MFP Multifunction Printer Service ManualService Parts DisassemblyFastener TypesThe following table lists the primary types of Posi-Drive screws used toassemble the printer. The procedures provide dimensional specifications forscrews being removed.CautionUse care when installing self-tapping screws in plastic. To properly startthe screw in plastic, turn the screw counter-clockwise in the hole until youfeel the screw engage the threads, then tighten as usual. Failure toproperly align or over tighten the screw can result in damage to previouslytapped threads.Always use the correct type and size screw. Using the wrong screw candamage tapped holes. Do not use excessive force to remove or installeither a screw or a printer part.Posi-Drive Screw Types used in the PrinterType Application Shape CharacteristicsSelf-tapping,plastic1. Silver colored.2. Screw thread is coarsecompared to metal screw.3. Screw tip is thin.Self-tapping,plastic, withflange1. Black colored.2. Screw thread is coarsecompared to metal screw.3. Screw has a flange.4. Screw tip is thin.Sheet Metal,silver1. Silver colored.2. Diameter is uniform.Sheet Metal,with flange1. Silver colored.2. Screw has a flange.3. Diameter is uniform.Sheet Metal,silver withlock washer1. Silver colored.2. Includes a toothed washer.3. Diameter is uniform.4. Used for groundingterminals.Parts etc.PlasticCoarseParts etc.PlasticCoarseParts etc. SheetMetalParts etc.SheetMetalParts etc. SheetMetal