3-180 Phaser 6180MFP Multifunction Printer Service ManualError Messages and CodesCopier ErrorThe Copier has failed. The following troubleshooting procedure applies to thiserror.Applicable Chain Link■ Chain Link 062-790: Scanner Parameter ErrorInitial Actions■ Cycle printer power.■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.Troubleshooting Reference TableApplicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References■ Scanner Controller Board, PL9.1.1■ ADF Scanner Assembly, PL11.1.1Troubleshooting Procedure TableStep Actions and Questions Yes No1 1. Check the error.2. Does the error message disappearwithin 70 seconds automatically, ordisappear after pressing the OKbutton?Go to step 2. Go to step 4.2 1. Check the error.2. Does the error still occur whencopying or scanning?Go to step 3. To to step 4.3 1. Print a Configuration page: System> Information Pages >Configuration.2. Does the error still occur whencopying or scanning theConfiguration report?Go to step 5. Complete.4 1. Turn the printer Off and back On.2. Does the error still occur whencopying or scanning?To to step 5. Complete.5 1. Replace the Scanner ControllerBoard (page 8-99).2. Does the error still occur whencopying or scanning?Replace the ADFScannerAssembly(page 8-103).Complete.