Phaser 6180MFP Multifunction Printer Service Manual iiiService TermsManual TermsVarious terms are used throughout this manual to either provide additionalinformation on a specific topic or to warn of possible danger present during aprocedure or action. Be aware of all symbols and terms when they are used,and always read Note, Caution, and Warning statements.NoteA note indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice orcondition that is necessary to efficiently accomplish a task.A note can provide additional information related to a specific subject oradd a comment on the results achieved through a previous action.CautionA caution indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice orcondition that, if not strictly observed, results in damage to, or destructionof, equipment.WarningA warning indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice orcondition that, if not strictly observed, results in injury or loss of life.Product TermsCaution: A personal injury hazard exists that may not be apparent. Forexample, a panel may cover the hazardous area.Danger: A personal injury hazard exists in the area where you see the sign.