Chapter 22-40F-2-162[1] Result (OK/NG)[2] IP address input2.3.5 Using the PING Command 0012-2898iR7095P1) Make the following settings in service mode: COPIER > TEXT > NETWORK > PING.2) Type in the IP address using the control panel keypad, and press the OK key.3) Press the "?" (help key) key.- When the check with the PING command is successful, 'OK' will be indicated; otherwise, 'NG' will be indicated.F-2-163[1] Result (OK/NG)[2] IP address input2.3.6 Making a Check Using a Remote Host Address 0010-9003iR7105 / iR7095 / iR7086 / iR7095PYou can check to see if the connection to the network is correct by executing the PING command using a remote host address.1) Tell the user's system administrator that you are going to check the connection to the network using the PING command.2) Check with the system administrator to find out the remote host address.3) Type in the remote host address for 'PING'.The information in this section applies when connecting the host machineto a network. If the user's network is in TCP/IP environment, use the PINGcommand to see that the network settings are correct. There is no need tocheck the settings using the PING command if the use's network is in anIPX/SPX or Apple Talk environment.MEMO:A remote host address refers to the IP address of a PC connected to the TCP/IP network to which the machine is also connected.0. 0. 0. 0+/- OK < 1/1 > PING[2][1]0 . 0 . 0 . 0+/- OK < 1/1 > PING[1] [2]