Chapter 88-43F-8-1018.11.14 Registration Roller8.11.14.1 Removing the Pre-Registration Roller 0010-9050iR7105 / iR7095 / iR70861) Open the middle right cover, and remove the screw [1]; detach the con-nector cover [2], and remove the two screws [3]; then, detach the rear fix-ing plate [4].F-8-1022) Remove the screw [5], and detach the front fixing plate [6]; then, detachthe preregistration roller assembly [7].F-8-1033) Remove the two springs [8], E-ring [9], and arm support shaft [10] at thefront.4) Remove the E-ring [11], spacer [12], and bearing [13].F-8-1045) Perform steps 3) and 4) for the rear; then, detach the pre-registration rollerassembly.8.11.15 Registration Clutch8.11.15.1 Removing the Registration Clutch 0010-9136iR7105 / iR7095 / iR70861) Remove the fixing/feed unit.2) Shift up the releasing lever.3) Disconnect the connector [1], and detach the harness of the clutch fromthe clutch cover [2].4) Remove the screw [3], and detach the clutch cover [2] and the bearing[4].F-8-1055) Loosen the 2 adjusting screws [1], and detach the registration clutch [2].F-8-1060.4±0.2mm0.4±0.2mm[1] [2][2][1][4][3][3][5][6] [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][1][3][2][4][1][1][2]