Chapter 77-30F-7-437.9.1.2 Correcting the Output to Suit the Environment and the Toner Deposit 0010-8077iR7105 / iR7095 / iR7086The separation current output in optimized according to the environment (as identified based on the data from the environment sensor) and the deposit of toner (3levels: low, standard, high).F-7-44DC controller PCBJ510A J723J722AC+DCJ741J742J721J7343456789101112131415161718 123456789101112131415160 V24 VH24 VHHVDC_REMOTEHVAC_ON24VPGNDGNDHVAC_CNTHVAC_ONSEP_DC_CNTRPOST/SEP_ERRSEP_AC_CNTRHigh-voltage DC PCB GNDGND1 2 3 4Relay PCB421123435554321High-voltage AC PCBHigh-voltage ACtransformerIf the current is too highor too low, '1'.Voltage input between 0 and 12 V,used to control the current level of the separation bias.520 AThe current level of the DC bias varies asfollows according to SEP_DC_CNTR:3V 11V 12VSEP_DC_CNTSeparationcharging wireWhen'1', high-voltageDC output is ready.When '1',high-voltage AC output is ready.When '1', high-voltageAC output goes on.12KVPP8KVPPThe voltage level of the AC bias varies as follows according to the potential of HVAC-CNT:3V 11V 12VHVAC-CNT211718Separation current( A)toner deposit hightoner deposit standardtoner deposit lowIf the deposit of toner is too great, the machinedecreases the current level to prevent re-transfer.If the deposit of toner is limited, the machineincreases the output to prevent separation faults.In a low humidity environment, the paper tends to be dry,encouraging charges to collect (high resistance).The machine decreases the output.Low humidity High humidity