Chapter 55-16F-5-364. ADF Fully Closed (5 deg or less)No. 1 mirror base: at point of original detectionscanning lamp: onoriginal sensor: original detection operationThe machine looks for a change in the output level of individual sensors for a period of 2 sec after the ADF open/closed sensor 1 has identified the current stateas being "closed." The absence of a change in the level causes the machine to assume the presence of an original at the point in question.The machine uses the combination of changes in the levels of 5 points to identify the size of the original in question.F-5-375. In a Wait State (for a press on the Start key)No.1 mirror base: at point of original detectionscanning lamp: offoriginal sensor: offF-5-38F-5-395.3.5 Dirt Sensor Control5.3.5.1 Dust Detection in Stream Reading Mode 0010-8001iR7105 / iR7095In addition to the common points for stream reading, the machine uses an additional 6 points each for small-size and large-size sheets at intervals of 0.5 mm to avoidareas of dust (in total, 7 points for small-size and 7 points for large-size).If it detects dust, however, it changes the point of reading to prevent dust from appearing in images. The detection of dust is executed at the end of each single jobthat uses stream reading; the machine moves the ADF belt idly when stream reading is selected and identifies any black line as an area of dust.When it detects dust, it resets the current point of stream reading, and uses the point of reference on the leftmost edge for dust detection; if dust is detected, it movesthe point of stream reading to the right by 1 point (0.5 mm) for detection of dust for a second time. If dust is not detected, the machine uses that point as the pointfor stream reading. If dust is detected once again, it will use the next point. If dust is detected at all 7 points, the machine will indicate the message "CopyboardGlass Soiled," which will remain unit the ADF is opened and the copyboard glass is cleaned. The machine will not use stream reading but use fixed reading as longas the message remains.2551A B 2A B 3A B 4A B 1A B 2A B 3A BOriginalsizeA3B4A4RA4B5B5RA5B6noneOriginalsensor 1CCD point ofdetectionAB-ConfigurationOriginalsize11"x17"LGLLTRRLTRSTMTRSTMTabsentCCD point ofdetectionInch-configuration: change presentOriginalsensor 3: change absent