Chapter 77-15F-7- Controlling the Output to Suit the Environment (fuzzy control) 0010-8055iR7105 / iR7095 / iR7086The pre-transfer charging current is optimized to suit the environment (as determined based on the readings of the environment sensor).F-7-21Related Service Mode Item:- COPIER> OPTION> BODY> FUZZY (enabling/disabling fuzzy control)DC controller PCBJ510A J723J722AC+DCJ741J742J721J7343456789101112131415161718 123456789101112131415160 V24 VH24 VHHVDC_REMOTEHVAC_ONGNDGNDHVAC_ON24VPPOST_DC_CNTRPOST/SEP_ERRHigh-voltage PCBGNDGND1 2 3 4Relay PCBPre-transfer charging wire123451234512345High-Voltage AC PCBHigh-VoltageAC transformerVoltage input of between 0 and 12 V.Uses this voltage to control the current value of the pre-transfer bias.300 AThe current value of the pre-transfer bias varies asfollows according to the potential of PTDC-CNT:3V 11V 12VPOST_DC_CNTWhen '1', high-voltage DCoutput is ready.When '1', the high-voltageAC output is ready.When '1', high-voltageAC output is ON. AC output: 7.0 to 9.0 kVppIf the current is too highor too low, '1'.121817Low humidity High humidityPre-transfer current( A)165 A