Chapter 77-9F-7-12SERVICE MODE:- COPIER> OPTION> BODY> OHP-CNT (enabling/disabling potential control for transparency mode)1: uses the target value obtained as a result of potential control for transparency mode executed at time of transparency mode operation. (default)0: does not execute potential control for transparency mode.F-7-137.4.9 Target Potential Correction in Each Mode 0010-8048iR7105 / iR7095 / iR7086For the following, the machine corrects the laser power/developing bias determined as part of potential control, using the result as the target value for the individualmodes:T-7-21. Adjusting the Density during Printing (PDL input)Purpose CorrectionDensity adjustment during printing(PDL input)To enable reproduction of fine lines suited to the needs of the user(PDF data from a PC).Corrects the laser power/developing bias to suit the F valuesetting.Density adjustment during printing(scanner input)To enable a specific level of density suited to the needs of theuser.Corrects the laser power/developing bias to suit the F valuesettingWMUPRWMUP STBY193 198Potential sensorLaserGrid biasVg Pw PwohpPwohpPotential control sequence started Potential control fortransparency mode startedVD VL VLohpSelected potentialVg PwVdcUses the target VLohp for transparency modeto execute potential control sequence.Laser power for transparencymode determinedVDcorrection valueVLcorrection valueVdccorrection value-40V-130V -110VCOPIER > OPTION > BODY > OHP-CNTSetMain power switchOFF/ONPotential controlsequence startedTransparency modepotential control