Chapter 99-17F-9-50Do not loosen the fixing screw on the inlet guide, as you will have to adjustthe position of the inlet guide if you remove the inlet guide base. If you mustloosen it, be sure to adjust the position of the inlet guide afterward by refer-ring to the index on the fixing assembly.9.5.10 Fixing Cleaning Belt9.5.10.1 Removing the Fixing Cleaning Belt 0010-9534iR7105 / iR7095 / iR70861) Slide the fixing/feeding unit halfway out; then, release the stoppers onboth rails, and slide the unit farther out.2) Remove the pre-transfer charging assembly cover, fixing feeding unitreleasing lever, and fixing roller knob.3) Remove the screw [1], and detach the fixing assembly upper cover [2].F-9-514) Remove the two screws [3] used to secure the fixing cleaning belt assem-bly, and open the top of the fixing cleaning belt assembly upward.F-9-525) While pushing the cleaning belt feeding roller [4] and the take-up roller[5] toward the rear, detach the cleaning belt [6].F-9-53When cleaning the silicone oil pan, be sure to remove the silicone oil collect-ing in the oil pan [7] found under the cleaning belt feeding roller.F-9-549.5.10.2 Mounting the Fixing Cleaning Belt 0010-9538iR7105 / iR7095 / iR7086Mount the fixing cleaning belt by reversing the steps used to remove it.1) Wind the cleaning belt [2] around the cleaning belt take-up roller [1] twoto three times, and mount it so that the arm guide plate [3] at the front ison the outside of the take-up roller.At this time, check to make sure that the area of contact with the roller isimpregnated with oil.5.8mm(reference only)5.8mm(reference only)Fixing screw Fixing screw[1] [2][3][3][5][6][4][7]