Installation Site2-4Installing the Printer2Power Supply RequirementsThe maximum power consumption of this printer is 1257 W* or less. Electrical noiseor a dramatic drop in mains voltage may cause the printer to operate incorrectly orlose data, and can also cause the computer to fail.* The instantaneous peak on startup when all the optional accessories are installedin the printer shall not be counted.Use power supplies rated for voltages in the following ranges.• 220 to 240 V (± 10 %) 50/60 Hz (± 2 Hz)IMPORTANT• An AC power outlet should be used exclusively for the printer. Any other sockets of theAC power outlet should not be used.• Do not plug the power plug into the auxiliary outlet on a computer.• Do not plug the power plug of the printer and that of machinery which consumes a largeamount of electricity or generates electrical noise, such as a copy machine, airconditioner, or shredder, into the same AC power outlet.Installation RequirementsInstall the printer in the following locations.• A location where sufficient space can be secured• A well-ventilated room• A flat, even surface• A sturdy platform that can easily support the weight of the printer and optionalaccessoriesWARNINGDo not install the printer near alcohol, paint thinner, or other flammablesubstances. If flammable substances come into contact with electrical partsinside the printer, it may result in a fire or electrical shock.CAUTION•••• Do not install the printer in the following locations, as this may result in a fire orelectrical shock.- A damp or dusty location- A location exposed to smoke and steam such as cookeries and humidifiers- A location exposed to rain or snow- A location near water faucets or water- A location exposed to direct sunlight- A location subject to high temperatures- A location near open flames