6-64Printing Environment Settings6UTILITY Menu SettingsCOLOR REGIS.ADJA phenomenon of "Out-of-Register Colors" is adjusted by controlling the shifts ofthe print start positions of each color. Execute when the phenomenon of"Out-of-Register Colors" occurs.NOTEIt takes approximately 80 seconds to execute COLOR REGIS.ADJ.DENSITY CONTROLControls the maximum print density and median print density. Execute when thecolors have changed and the data is not printed in the correct colors (specifiedcolors).NOTEIt takes approximately 37 seconds to execute DENSITY CONTROL.DEN.MEDIAN CONTControls the median print density. Execute when the colors of the median printdensity have changed and the data is not printed in the correct colors (specifiedcolors).NOTEIt takes approximately 37 seconds to execute DEN.MEDIAN CONT.FULL CALIBRATEExecutes COLOR REGIS.ADJ and DENSITY CONTROL. Execute when youwant to adjust a phenomenon of "Out-of-Register Colors" and control the printdensity (adjust color hues) at once.NOTEIt takes approximately 133 seconds to execute FULL CALIBRATE.PRNTPOSNPRINT-The printing position adjusted in ADJ.START POS. (See p. 6-51) is printed. Checkthe printout results to confirm the setting for ADJ.START POS.NOTEFor adjusting the printing position, see "Adjusting the Printing Position," on p. 7-21.