6-58Printing Environment Settings6SETUP Menu SettingsPITCH0.44 to 99.99 cpi; 10.00 cpi*If the number selected in FONT NUMBER is that of a fixed pitch scalable font,Pitch appears in the PCL SETUP options. It enables you to specify the pitch forthe default font. The pitch can be adjusted in increments of 0.01 cpi (charactersper inch).FORM LINES5 to 128 lines; 64 lines*Enables you to specify the number of lines to be printed on a page. You canspecify from 5 to 128 lines.SYMBOL SETPC8*, ROMAN8, ROMAN9, ISOL1, ISOL2, ISOL5, ISOL6, ISOL9, PC775,PC8DN, PC850, PC852, PC858, PC8TK, PC1004, WINL1, WINL2, WINL5,WINBALT, DESKTOP, PSTEXT, LEGAL, ISO4, ISO6, ISO11, ISO15, ISO17,ISO21, ISO60, ISO69, WIN 30, MCTEXTEnables you to select the symbol set most suited to the needs of the hostcomputer.CUSTOM SIZEDO NOT SET*, SETEnables you to specify a custom paper size. If SET is selected, you can enter acustom size.NOTEYou can only select the custom paper size entered with settings from the printerdriver.UNIT OF MEASUREMillimeters*, InchesEnables you to specify the unit of measurement you would like to use to specifyyour custom paper size.NOTEThis item is displayed only when CUSTOM SIZE is set to SET.