Typeface Samples 10-5Appendix10Typeface SamplesThe fonts lists printed from the UTILITY menu are a comprehensive listing of allfonts currently available. The listing contains the names and print samples of thefonts stored on the printer.Scalable Fonts (PCL)CourierCG TimesCG Times BoldCG Times ItalicCG Times Bold ItalicCG OmegaCG Omega BoldCG Omega ItalicCG Omega Bold ItalicCoronetClarendon Condensed BoldUnivers MediumUnivers BoldUnivers Medium ItalicUnivers Bold ItalicUnivers Condensed MediumUnivers Condensed BoldUnivers Condensed Medium ItalicUnivers Condensed Bold ItalicAntique OliveAntique Olive BoldAntique Olive ItalicGaramond AntiquaGaramond HalbfettGaramond Kursiv