5-5How to Use the Operation KeysThe Printing Environment5How to Use the Operation KeysUse the following keys for the menu operation.Among the keys, the (Setting) key, (Utility) key, (Job) key, (Reset) key,(Cancel Job) key, and (Feeder Selection) key have the function to display amenu.■ The functions of each key are as follows.Key Functions(Online)Switches between online and offline. The printer is online when theindicator under the key is on and is offline when the indicator is off.Indicated as the (Online) key in the manuals.(Cancel Job)When the printeris onlineImmediately afterplacing the printeronlineWhile the menu isdisplayedIf pressed when the (Job) indicator ison or blinking (When data is beingprocessed or received), cancels the jobcurrently being processed. Indicated asthe (Cancel Job) key in the manuals.Does not function.(FeederSelection)Displays the SELECT FEEDER menu.Indicated as the (Feeder Selection)key in the manuals.Does not function.CANCEL JOB Menu JOB Menu SETUP MenuRESET MenuUTILITY MenuSELECT FEEDER MenuDisplay