6-23Printing Environment Settings6SETUP Menu SettingsIMPORTANT• When you change the paper loaded in the multi-purpose tray frequently, it isconvenient if TRAY PAPER SIZE in the control panel is set to MIXED SIZES. IfTRAY PAPER SIZE is set to MIXED SIZES, you do not need to specify the settingfor TRAY PAPER SIZE each time you load the different size paper. However, whenspecifying MIXED SIZES, make sure that the size of the paper loaded in themulti-purpose tray matches the paper size specified in the printer driver beforeprinting. If they do not match, the printer may stop printing, displaying the message<41 CHK PAPER SZE>, or a paper jam may occur. Be sure to check if the papersize specified in the printer driver matches the size of the paper loaded in themulti-purpose tray before using the printer. However, if SPECIAL MODE J (See p.6-52) is set to ON, the printer prints without checking the paper size even when thepaper size specified in the printer driver and the size of the paper loaded in themulti-purpose tray do not match.• When printing custom size paper from UFR II Printer Driver, you can load the papereither in portrait or landscape orientation. However, if you want to print custom sizepaper of its long edges 215.9 mm or less when TRAY PAPER SIZE is set to MIXEDSIZES, load the paper in landscape orientation. When you are not printing fromUFR II Printer Driver, load the paper in portrait orientation.NOTE• Select CUSTOM SIZE or CUSTOM SIZE R when you want to specify custom sizepaper using application and print it. If a message that prompts you to change thesize of the paper appears during printing, press the (Online) key to clear theerror before printing again.• You cannot print on any area within 10 mm of the edges of an envelope. (If youhave selected the [Print with Upper Left of Sheet as Starting Point] check box in[Finishing Details] in the UFR II printer driver, you can extend the printable area tonear the edges of the paper. Depending on the print data to be printed, however,the edge of paper may be missing partly during printing or may blot during colorprinting. For more details, see Help of the UFR II printer driver.)• You can specify the same setting in TRAY PAPER SIZE in the SELECT FEEDERmenu.CASSETTE(n) SIZE (n = 1, 2)A4*, LTR, LGL, EXEC, MIXED SIZES, CUSTOM SIZE, CUSTOM SIZE R, FLSC,16K, A5, B5Specifies the size of the paper loaded in the paper cassettes (Cassette 1 and 2).