TCP/IPXerox Phaser 3635 System Administration Guide 19DNSv614. Enter a valid [IPv6 Domain Name].15. Enter an IP address for the [Primary DNSv6 Server Address]. Enter an IP address for[Secondary DNSv6 Server Address].16. Check the box to enable [Dynamic DNSv6 Registration].NOTE: If your DNS Server does not support dynamic updates there is no need to enableDDNS.17. Scroll down the page and click on the [Apply] button to save the changes.Test Access1. At your Workstation, open the Web browser, In the TCP/IP Address bar, enter “http://”followed by the Internet address of the machine. Then press the key on thekeyboard.If you use the domain name to specify the machine, use the following format.http://myhost.example.comIf you use the IP address to specify the machine, use one of the following formatsdepending on your machine configuration. The IPv6 format is supported on WindowsVista only. An IPv6 address needs to be enclosed in square brackets.IPv4: http://[xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]NOTE: If you have changed the port number from the default port number “80”, appendthe number to the Internet address as follows. In the following examples, the port numberis 8080.Domain name: http://[xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]:80802. Verify that the home page of CentreWare Internet Services is displayed.The CentreWare Internet Services installation process is now completed.NOTE: If the Accounting feature is enabled, you may be required to enter a user ID andpasscode (if one is set up).NOTE: When your access to CentreWare Internet Services is encrypted, enter “https://”followed by the Internet address, instead of “http://”.DHCP/DDNS:• Release Registration – Allows DHCP resources to be released when the machine ispowering down. This is a display-only item and shows “Enabled”.