LDAPXerox Phaser 3635 System Administration Guide 177LDAP6. Ensure the device is able to access the script. To enablepermissions to execute scripts on a Windows 2003 server:a) Click on the [Start] menu.b) Select [Programs].c) Click on [Administrative Tools].d) Select [Manage Your Server].e) Select [Web Interface for Remote Administration of WebServices].f) Select [Web Server].g) Select [Web Execute Permissions and enable scripts andexecutables].Problem ActionProblem ActionI cannot access the LDAP AddressBook.Ensure that the LDAP Server information is configured correctly withinCentreWare Internet Services.The time taken to perform asearch exceeds the maximumlimit.The machine contacted the LDAP Server, but the time to perform thesearch exceeds the maximum search time defined by theAdministrator.1. Enter a more specific name at the machine to refine the search.2. Increase the number in the [Wait... seconds] box to increasethe time of the search. This is located within the CentreWareInternet Services LDAP screen.3. Verify there are no communication problems with the LDAPserver.The number of search resultsexceeds the limit set on the LDAPserver.The number of search results exceeds the limit set on the LDAP server.1. Enter a more specific name at the machine to refine the search.2. Increase the number in the Maximum Number of SearchResults. This is the maximum number of addresses that willappear which match the search criteria selected by the User.Set the Maximum Number to one less than the LDAP server willallow. For example, if the LDAP server limit is 75, set the searchresults to 74 or less. This setting is located within the InternetServices LDAP screen.