13 Xerox Standard Accounting120 Xerox Phaser 3635 System Administration GuideAccount ExampleIn the example below, the Administrator creates a User called Jane Smith and makes her amember of the default Group Account, called Finance Department. The Administratorcreates two General Accounts called Project A and Project B and adds Jane Smith to eachaccount.Jane can now record any impressions that she makes at the machine to a particular account.At the machine, Jane enters her Account ID and selects Project A. The number ofimpressions is recorded specifically to Project A.The Administrator can print an XSA Report which lists the numbers of impressions recordedfor each User, Group and General Account.Procedure1. At your Workstation, open the web browser, enter the TCP/IP Address of the machinein the Address bar.2. Press [Enter].3. Click on the [Properties] tab.4. Click on the [Xerox Standard Accounting] link.5. Click on the [General Accounts] link to create a new General Account.6. In the [Account ID] box, enter an ID for the new General Account, for example 002.NOTE: The General Account can be numeric values up to a maximum of 12 digits.General Account IDs must be unique.7. Enter a name for the General Account in the [Account Name] box, for example Xeroxgeneral.NOTE: The General Name can be alphanumeric characters to a maximum of 32characters. The General Account name must be unique.8. Click on the [Add Account] button.9. The account will appear in the [General Accounts] list.Add Users to the General Account10. Click on the [Manage Accounting] link next to the General Account you have justadded.11. Click on the checkbox(es) next to the User(s) that you want to add.12. Click on the [Save Changes] button.