TCP/IPXerox Phaser 3635 System Administration Guide 1528. Touch [Save].DNS/DDNS Configuration29. Touch [TCP/IP Settings].30. Touch [DNS Configuration]. This feature will be inaccessible (greyed out) if TCP/IPprotocol is not enabled.31. Touch the [Domain Name] keyboard button.32. Touch the [Clear Text] button to remove the default name before entering the newname.33. Touch [Save].34. Touch [Close].35. Touch [Preferred DNS Server].36. Touch each octet button of the DNS Server IP Address at a time before entering thenumbers from the keypad.37. Touch [Alternate DNS Servers] (if required).38. Touch each octet button of the DNS Server IP Address(es) at a time before enteringthe numbers from the keypad.NOTE: If DHCP is enabled, the Alternate DNS server information is not available as afeature summary.39. Touch [Save].Enable Dynamic DNS RegistrationNOTE: If your DNS server does not support dynamic updates, then this function does notneed to be enabled.40. Touch [Dynamic DNS Registration].41. Click on [Enable], then [Save].42. Touch [Close].43. Follow the steps in Chapter 4, LPR Printing, Install Printer Driver on page 37.Configure Dynamic IPv4 Addressing using the Machine User InterfaceInformation ChecklistBefore starting the installation procedure, please ensure that the following items areavailable and/or the tasks have been performed:1. Existing operational network utilising the TCP/IP protocol.2. DHCP or BOOTP Server should be available on the network.3. Machine should be connected to the network via Ethernet Cable.