Xerox Phaser 3635 System Administration Guide 187Appendix AWireless ConnectivityOverviewThe Xerox machine is compatible with 802.11 (Wi-Fi® ) wireless networks, when used with anexternal wireless adapter .802.11 Ethernet Bridge.802.11 Wireless NetworkingThe location where the machine is installed must be covered by an 802.11 wireless network.This is typically provided by a nearby wireless access point or router, which is physicallyconnected to the wired Ethernet that serves the building.802.11 Wireless AdapterThe Wireless Adapter (also known as an Ethernet-to-Wireless bridge) is a device thatconnects into the machine's Ethernet port using an Ethernet cable and acts as a wireless towired Ethernet converter.Refer to the manufacturer's documentation for instructions on how to configure andconnect the wireless adapter. Once the wireless adapter is connected to the Xerox machine.Follow the steps in Chapter 3, Network Installation on page 13., and Chapter 4, Print Driverson page 35 to configure the network connectivity on the Xerox machine.More information about compatible wireless adapters can be found on Information Base (MIB)A MIB (Management Information Base) is a database of objects that can be accessed by anetwork management system.XeroxMachineWirelessAdapterWirelessAccess Point/ RouterToBuildingEthernetEthernetCable