Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual Section 8: TSP command reference2461-901-01 A/November 2015 8-63Examplevalue = display.input.string("Enter Test Name", display.SFORMAT_ANY)print(value)This example displays the prompt "Enter Test Name" and a keyboard that the operator can use to enter aresponse:The return is the response from the operator.Also seedisplay.input.number() (on page 8-57)display.input.option() (on page 8-59)display.input.prompt() (on page 8-61)display.lightstateThis attribute sets the light output level of the front-panel display.Type TSP-Link accessible Affected by Where saved Default valueAttribute (RW) Yes Power cycle Not applicable display.STATE_LCD_50Usagebrightness = display.lightstatedisplay.lightstate = brightnessbrightness The brightness of the display:• Full brightness: display.STATE_LCD_100• 75 % brightness: display.STATE_LCD_75• 50 % brightness: display.STATE_LCD_50• 25 % brightness: display.STATE_LCD_25• Display off: display.STATE_LCD_OFF• Display, key lights, and all indicators off: display.STATE_BLACKOUT