Section 6: SCPI command reference Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual6-70 2461-901-01 A/November 2015[:SENSe[1]]::RSENseThis command selects local (2-wire) or remote (4-wire) sensing.Type Affected by Where saved Default valueCommand and query Recall settingsInstrument resetPower cycleMeasure configuration listSave settingsMeasure configuration list0 (OFF)Usage[:SENSe[1]]::RSENse [:SENSe[1]]::RSENse? The measure function:• Current: CURRent[:DC]• Resistance: RESistance• Voltage: VOLTage[:DC]The digitize function:• Digitize current: DIGitize:CURRent• Digitize voltage: DIGitize:VOLTage Disable remote sensing (2-wire): 0 or OFFEnable remote sensing (4-wire): 1 or ONDetailsThis command determines if 2-wire (local) or 4-wire (remote) sensing is used.When you use 4-wire sensing, voltages are measured at the device under test (DUT). For the sourcevoltage, if the sensed voltage is lower than the programmed amplitude, the voltage source increasesthe voltage until the sensed voltage is the same as the programmed amplitude. This compensates forIR drop in the output test leads.Using 4-wire sensing with voltage measurements eliminates any voltage drops that may be in the testleads between the Model 2461 and the DUT.When you are using 2-wire sensing, voltage is measured at the output connectors.When you are measuring resistance, you can enable 4-wire sensing to make 4-wire resistancemeasurements.When the output is off, 4-wire sensing is disabled and the instrument uses 2-wire sense, regardless ofthe sense setting. When the output is on, the selected sense setting is used.ExampleVOLT:RSEN ON Set the remote sense for voltagemeasurements.Also seeTwo-wire local sense connections (on page 2-90)Four-wire remote sense connections (on page 2-92)