Section 6: SCPI command reference Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual6-62 2461-901-01 A/November 2015Example*RST:SENS:FUNC "RES":SENS:RES:RANG:AUTO ON:RES:OCOM ON:COUNT 5:OUTP ON:TRAC:TRIG "defbuffer1":TRAC:DATA? 1, 5, "defbuffer1", SOUR, READ:OUTP OFFReset the instrument.Set the measurement function to resistanceand set the range to automatic.Turn offset-compensated ohms on.Set the measurement count to 5.Turn the output on.Make measurements and store them indefbuffer1.Retrieve readings 1 to 5 with the sourcevalue and measurement values.Turn the output off.Also seeOffset-compensated ohms (on page 2-110)[:SENSe[1]]::RANGe:AUTOThis command determines if the measurement range is set manually or automatically for the selected measurefunction.Type Affected by Where saved Default valueCommand and query Recall settingsInstrument resetPower cycleMeasure configuration listSave settingsMeasure configuration listON (1)Usage[:SENSe[1]]::RANGe:AUTO [:SENSe[1]]::RANGe:AUTO? The measure function:• Current: CURRent[:DC]• Resistance: RESistance• Voltage: VOLTage[:DC] Set the measurement range manually: OFF or 0Set the measurement range automatically: ON or 1DetailsAuto range selects the best range in which to measure the signal that is applied to the input terminalsof the instrument. When auto range is enabled, the range increases at 120 percent of range anddecreases occurs when the reading is <10 percent of nominal range.This command determines how the range is selected.When this command is set to off, you must set the range. If you do not set the range, the instrumentremains at the range that was last selected by autorange.When this command is set to on, the instrument automatically goes to the most sensitive range toperform the measurement.If a range is manually selected through the front panel or a remote command, this command isautomatically set to off.