Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual Section 2: General operation2461-901-01 A/November 2015 2-25Source Pulse menuThis menu allows you to set up a source pulse sweep and generate a source configuration list and ameasure configuration list, simultaneously building the trigger model.Setting DescriptionAbort on Limit Determines if the sweep is stopped immediately if a limit is exceeded; optionsare:• Abort the sweep if the source bias or pulse limit is exceeded: ON• Complete the sweep if the source limit is exceeded: OFFAcquire Readings Enables or disables measurements at the top of each pulse:• Enable: On• Disable: OffBias Output level the instrument sources before the first pulse and returns tobetween pulses (delay and off time):• Current: -7.35 A to 7.35 A• Voltage: -105 V to 105 VBias Limit The current or voltage limit for the defined bias level:• Current: 10 nA to 7.35 A• Voltage: 2 mV to 105 VCount Pulse Train sweep type only; the number of pulses in the pulse sweep:• Finite: 1 to 268435455• Infinite: Continuous loopDelay The amount of time that the instrument stays at bias level before each pulse(in seconds): 0 to 10,000 sDual Not available for the Pulse Train sweep type: determines if the sweep runsfrom start to stop and then from stop to start:• Sweep from start to stop only: Off• Sweep from start to stop, then stop to start: OnGenerate Creates a trigger model and source and measure configuration lists for thepulse sweep you defined on the Pulse Settings screenLevel Pulse Train sweep type only; the amplitude current or voltage from zero (notfrom the bias level):• Current: -10.5 A to 10.5 A• Voltage: -105 V to 105 VLimit The current or voltage limit for the defined pulse level:• Current: 10 nA to 10.5 A• Voltage: 2 mV to 105 VOff Time The amount of time that the instrument stays at bias level after each pulse (inseconds): 0 to 10,000 sPulse Type The type of pulse sweep to create:• Pulse Train• Linear Sweep Points• Linear Sweep Steps• Logarithmic SweepStart Not available for the Pulse Train sweep type; the voltage or current sourcelevel at which the pulse sweep starts:• Current: -10.5 A to 10.5 A• Voltage: -105 V to 105 VStep Size Linear Sweep Steps sweep type only; the step size at which the source levelwill change; step size must be greater than 0