Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual Section 6: SCPI command reference2461-901-01 A/November 2015 6-241DetailsThis command configures the alarm of the timer.When the timer is enabled, the timer starts immediately if the timer is configured for a start time thathas passed.ExampleTRIG:TIM1:STAR:SEC 60TRIG:TIM1:START:FRAC 0.5TRIG:TIM1:STAT ONSet the timer for 60.5 s.Enable the trigger timer for timer 1.Also see:TRIGger:TIMer:STATe (on page 6-242):TRIGger:TIMer:STARt:STIMulusThis command describes the event that starts the trigger timer.Type Affected by Where saved Default valueCommand and query Recall settingsInstrument resetPower cycleSave settings NONEUsage:TRIGger:TIMer:STARt:STIMulus :TRIGger:TIMer:STARt:STIMulus? Trigger timer number (1 to 4) The event that starts the trigger timerDetailsSet this attribute any trigger event to start the timer when that event occurs.Set this attribute to zero (0) to disable event processing and use the timer as a timer or alarm basedon the start time.