Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual Section 6: SCPI command reference2461-901-01 A/November 2015 6-53ExampleDIG:FUNC "CURR"DIG:CURR:SRATE 1000000DIG:CURR:APER AUTODIG:COUN 10MEAS:DIG?Set the digitize function to measure current.Set the sample rate to 1,000,000, with acount of 10, and automatic aperture.Make a digitize measurement.Also see[:SENSe[1]]::SRATe (on page 6-71):SYSTem:LFRequency? (on page 6-153)[:SENSe[1]]::AVERage:COUNtThis command sets the number of measurements that are averaged when filtering is enabled.Type Affected by Where saved Default valueCommand and query Recall settingsInstrument resetPower cycleMeasure configuration listSave settingsMeasure configuration list10Usage[:SENSe[1]]::AVERage:COUNt [:SENSe[1]]::AVERage:COUNt DEFault[:SENSe[1]]::AVERage:COUNt MINimum[:SENSe[1]]::AVERage:COUNt MAXimum[:SENSe[1]]::AVERage:COUNt?[:SENSe[1]]::AVERage:COUNt? DEFault[:SENSe[1]]::AVERage:COUNt? MINimum[:SENSe[1]]::AVERage:COUNt? MAXimum The measure function:• Current: CURRent[:DC]• Resistance: RESistance• Voltage: VOLTage[:DC] The number of readings required for each filtered measurement (1 to 100)DetailsThe filter count is the number of readings that are acquired and stored in the filter stack for theaveraging calculation. When the filter count is larger, more filtering is done and the data is less noisy.If you send this command without the parameter, it sets the filter count for all functions.