Section 6: SCPI command reference Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual6-20 2461-901-01 A/November 2015Example:CALC:VOLT:MATH:FORM MXB:CALC:VOLT:MATH:MMF 0.80:CALC:VOLT:MATH:MBF 50:CALC:VOLT:MATH:STAT ONSet the math function for voltage measurements tomx+b.Set the scale factor for voltage measurements to 0.80.Set the offset factor to 50.Enable the math function.Also seeCalculations that you can apply to measurements (on page 3-82):CALCulate[1]::MATH:MBFactor (on page 6-20):CALCulate[1]::MATH:MMFactor (on page 6-22):CALCulate[1]::MATH:PERCent (on page 6-23):CALCulate[1]::MATH:STATe (on page 6-24):CALCulate[1]::MATH:MBFactorThis command specifies the offset, b, for the y = mx + b operation.Type Affected by Where saved Default valueCommand and query Recall settingsInstrument resetPower cycleMeasure configuration listSave settingsMeasure configuration list0Usage:CALCulate[1]::MATH:MBFactor :CALCulate[1]::MATH:MBFactor DEFault:CALCulate[1]::MATH:MBFactor MINimum:CALCulate[1]::MATH:MBFactor MAXimum:CALCulate[1]::MATH:MBFactor?:CALCulate[1]::MATH:MBFactor? DEFault:CALCulate[1]::MATH:MBFactor? MINimum:CALCulate[1]::MATH:MBFactor? MAXimum The measure function:• Current: CURRent[:DC]• Resistance: RESistance• Voltage: VOLTage[:DC]The digitize function:• Digitize current: DIGitize:CURRent• Digitize voltage: DIGitize:VOLTage The offset for the y = mx + b operation; the valid range is −1e12 to +1e12