Section 3: Functions and features Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual3-64 2461-901-01 A/November 2015Using TSP commandsreset()smu.source.configlist.create("CurrListSweep")smu.source.func = smu.FUNC_DC_CURRENTsmu.source.range = 100e-3smu.source.level ="CurrListSweep")smu.source.level ="CurrListSweep")smu.source.level ="CurrListSweep")smu.source.level ="CurrListSweep")smu.source.level ="CurrListSweep")smu.source.level ="CurrListSweep")smu.source.sweeplist("CurrListSweep", 1, 0.001)smu.measure.func = smu.FUNC_DC_VOLTAGEsmu.measure.range = 20trigger.model.initiate()Increasing the speed of sweepsTo increase the speed of sweeps:• Reduce the NPLC.• Turn autozero off. If autozero is on, the instrument takes new reference and zero values for everyreading. This can slow down sweep operation. Be aware that if you disable autozero,measurements may drift and become erroneous. To minimize drift when autozero is disabled, usethe autozero once feature. For more information on the autozero options, see Automaticreference measurements (on page 2-129).Pulse operationYou may need to make pulsed I-V measurements to avoid self-heating effects, device damage, or toobserve the response of a device to a pulsed signal. Pulsed signals are created by turning the sourceoutput on for a specified amount of time and then off for a specified amount of time.Figure 115: Simplified pulse example