Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual Section 9: Frequently asked questions (FAQs)2461-901-01 A/November 2015 9-15Why do I keep seeing the "Undefined header" error?When you are using the SCPI command language, you may see the –113, "Undefined header," error.This error indicates that what you sent to the instrument did not contain a recognizable commandname. The most likely causes for this are:• A missing space between the command and its parameter. There must be one or more spacesbetween the command and its parameter. For example,:disp:volt:digits5The correct entry is:disp:volt:digits 5• Incorrect short or long form. Check the SCPI command reference (on page 6-1) documentationfor the correct command name.• Spaces in the command name. You cannot use spaces in the command name. For example:syst: err?The correct entry is::syst:err?Why do I see the "incompatible settings" message?The "Continuous measurements have been terminated because of incompatible settings" messageindicates that the combination of settings that are presently configured make it impossible for theinstrument to make a valid measurement.To resolve this problem, make changes to your settings.Why do I see the "Query interrupted" error?This error occurs when you have sent a valid query to the instrument, then send it another commandor query or a Group Execute Trigger (GET) before it has had a chance to send the entire responsemessage (including the line-feed/EOI terminator). The most likely causes are:• Sending a query to the instrument and then sending another command or query before readingthe response to the first query. For example, the following sequence of commands causes anerror -410:syst:err?*opc?You must read the response to syst:err? before sending another command or query.• Incorrectly configured IEEE 488 driver. The driver must be configured so that when talking on thebus it sends line-feed with EOI as the terminator, and when listening on the bus it expects line-feed with EOI as the terminator. See the reference manual for your particular IEEE 488 interface.