Section 8: TSP command reference Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual8-40 2461-901-01 A/November 2015bufferVar.unitsThis attribute contains the unit of measure that is stored with readings in the reading buffer.Type TSP-Link accessible Affected by Where saved Default valueAttribute (R) Yes Restore configurationInstrument resetPower cycleNot applicable Not applicableUsagereadingUnit = bufferVar.units[N]readingUnit Volt DC: Voltage measurementOhm: Resistance measurementWatt DC: Power measurementAmp DC: Current measurement%: Math is set to percent for the measurementsmX+b: Math is set to mx+b for the measurementsReciprocal: Math is set to reciprocal for the measurementsbufferVar The name of the reading buffer, which may be a default buffer (defbuffer1 ordefbuffer2) or a user-defined bufferN The reading number N; can be any value from 1 to the number of readings in thebuffer; use the bufferVar.n command to determine the number of readings in thebufferDetailsThis attribute contains the unit of measure that is stored with readings in the reading buffer.Examplereset()testData = buffer.make(50)testData.fillmode = buffer.FILL_CONTINUOUSsmu.measure.func = smu.FUNC_DC_CURRENTtrigger.model.load("SimpleLoop", 3, 0,testData)trigger.model.initiate()waitcomplete()printbuffer(1, testData.n, testData.units)smu.measure.func = smu.FUNC_DC_VOLTAGEtrigger.model.initiate()waitcomplete()printbuffer(1, testData.n, testData.units)Create a reading buffer named testData,configure the instrument to make threemeasurements, and store the readings inthe buffer.Set the buffer to fill continuously.Set the measure function to current.Make three readings.Print the units for the readings.Output:Amp DC, Amp DC, Amp DCSet the measure function to voltage.Make three readings.Output:Volt DC, Volt DC, Volt DC