Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual Section 6: SCPI command reference2461-901-01 A/November 2015 6-165DetailsIf this is set to on, when the reading buffer is cleared (0 % filled) or full (100 % filled), an event islogged in the event log. If this is set to off, reading buffer status is not reported in the event log.ExampleTRACe:LOG:STATe? Query the log state of defbuffer1.Output:1Indicates that the log state is on.Also seeReading buffers (on page 3-2)Remote buffer operation (on page 3-23):TRACe:MAKE (on page 6-165)Using the event log (on page 2-142):TRACe:MAKEThis command creates a user-defined reading buffer.Type Affected by Where saved Default valueCommand only Recall settingsInstrument resetPower cycleSave settings Not applicableUsage:TRACe:MAKE "", :TRACe:MAKE "", , A user-supplied string that indicates the name of the buffer A number that indicates the maximum number of readings that can be stored in; minimum is 10 The type of reading buffer to create:• Store readings with reduced accuracy (6.5 digits) with no formattinginformation, 1 μs accurate timestamp, maximum 27,500,000 readings:COMPact• Store readings with full accuracy with formatting, maximum 6,875,000readings: STANdard (default)• Store the same information as standard, plus additional information: FULL• Store external reading buffer data: WRITable• Store external reading buffer data with two reading values: FULLWRITableDetailsYou cannot assign user-defined reading buffers the name defbuffer1 or defbuffer2.If you create a reading buffer that has the same name as an existing user-defined buffer, an eventmessage 1115, "Parameter error: TRACe:MAKE cannot take an existing reading buffer name" isgenerated.When you create a reading buffer, it becomes the active buffer. If you create two reading buffers, thelast one you create becomes the active buffer.The default fill mode of a user-defined buffer is once. You can change it to continuous.