Model 2461 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual Section 2: General operation2461-901-01 A/November 2015 2-109Measure resistance using the resistance functionWhen the measurement function is set to resistance, the Model 2461 measures resistances bysourcing current. The instrument automatically sets the magnitude of the current source, voltage limit,and the measure range.This mode is the same as the Ohmmeter Quick Setup, which is available by pressing the QUICKSETkey.The examples below use a 100 kΩ device under test. The code makes five readings. Note that themeasurement range is 200 kΩ.Using SCPI:Send the following code:*RSTSENSe:FUNCtion "RES"SENSe:RESistance:RANGe:AUTO ONSENSe:RESistance:OCOMpensated ONSENSe:COUNt 5OUTPut ONTRACe:TRIGger "defbuffer1"TRACe:DATA? 1, 5, "defbuffer1", SOUR, READOUTPut OFFThe front-panel display will look similar to the following example.Figure 70: Resistance measurement using resistance functionUsing TSP:Send the following code:reset()smu.measure.func = smu.FUNC_RESISTANCEsmu.measure.autorange = smu.ONsmu.measure.count = 5smu.source.output = i = 1, defbuffer1.n doprint(defbuffer1.relativetimestamps[i], defbuffer1[i])endsmu.source.output = smu.OFF