64Parameter SetupStandard default : < >ServoPrNo. Setuprange UnitTitle Function/Content34 0 to 20000<33>*–1st controlswitchinghysteresisYou can set up hysteresis width to beimplemented above/below the judginglevel which is set up with SV.Pr33. Unitvaries depending on the setup ofSV.Pr31 (1st control switching mode).Definitions of SV.Pr32 (Delay), SV.Pr33(Level) and SV.Pr34 (Hysteresis) areexplained in the fig. below.The setup of SV. Pr33 (Level) and SV. Pr34 (Hysteresis) are valid asabsolute values (positive/negative).SV.Pr330SV.Pr34SV.Pr321st gain 2nd gain 1st gain35 0 – 10000<20>*(setupvalue +1)x 166μsPosition loop gainswitching timeYou can setup thestep-by-step switchingtime to the positionloop gain only at gainswitching while the 1stand the 2nd gainswitching is valid.The switching time isonly valid when switching from small position gain to large position gain.SV.Pr35=Kp1(SV.Pr10)166166 166166μsKp2(SV.Pr18)1st gaine.g.)2nd gainbold linethin line1st gain00112 233Kp1(SV.Pr10)>Kp2(SV.Pr18)Parameters for Position ControlServoPrNo. SetuprangeTitle Function/ContentStandard default : < >44*45*1 to 32767<10000>0 to 32767<10000>Numerator ofoutput pulse ratioDenominator ofoutput pulse ratioYou can set up the pulse counts to be fed out from the pulse output (X5 0A+ : Pin-21, 0A- : Pin-22, 0B+ : Pin-48, 0B- : Pin-49).• In the case that the encoder pulse is output (When the control mode isthe position control mode and SV.Pr46 = 0, 1).• SV.Pr45=0 : You can set up the output pulse counts per one motor revolution for each OAand OB with the SV.Pr44 setup. Therefore the pulse output resolution afterquadruple can be obtained from the formula below.• SV.Pr45≠0 :The pulse output resolution per one revolution can be divided by any rationaccording to the formula below. • The encoder resolution is 131072 [P/r] for the 17-bit absolute encoder, and10000 [P/r] for the 5-wire 2500P/r incremental encoder.• The pulse output resolution per one revolution cannot be greater than theencoder resolution.(In the above setup, the pulse output resolution equals to the encoder resolution.)• Z-phase is fed out once per one revolution of the motor.When the pulse output resolution obtained from the above formula is multiple of 4,Z-phase synchronizes with A-phase. In other case, the Z-phase width equals tooutput with the encoder resolution, and becomes narrower than A-phase, hencedoes not synchronize with A-phase.(Continue to the next page.)The pulse output resolution per one revolution = SV.Pr44 (Numerator of output pulse ratio) X 4SV.Pr44 (Numerator of output pulse ratio)SV.Pr45(Denominator of output pulse ratio)Pulse output resolution per one revolution x Encoder resolution