172TroubleshootingMotor Does Not Run Motor Stops During an OperationClassification Causes CountermeasuresError in control modesettingError in torque limitsettingError in operationparameter settingSetting out of amaximum travel rangeof target positionError in a parameterused by a manufacturer.Main power supply(L1, L2 and/or L3) ofCN X1 and/or controlpower supply (L1Cand/or L2C) does notturn on. Otherwise, avoltage value is wrong.Servo-on input (SRV-ON) of CN X5 isopened.CW/CCW over-travelinhibit input (CWL/CCWL) of CN X5 is inthe ON state.Strobe input (STB) ofCN X5 is opened.Emergency stop input(EMG-STP) of CN X5is opened.Error in the pointspecifying input (P1INto P32IN) of CN X5.Error in input timing ofthe strobe input (STB)and the point specify-ing input (P1IN toP32IN) of CN X5.A stop instruction isinput by the multifunction input 1/2 (EX-IN1/EX-IN2) of CN X5.Homing not completedDuring the executionof an operation com-mand, the next opera-tion command starts.The motor shaft drags.The motor does notrun.Set SV.Pr02 (Control mode) again.Check the setting of SV.Pr5E (1st torquelimit) and SV.Pr5F (2nd torque limit) .Check the parameters of travel, speedacceleration/deceleration time necessaryfor homing operation or step operation in16.Pr.Check the set value of 32.Pr01/02.Initialize all the parameters once and setthem again.Check the wiring and voltage of the mainpower supply (L1, L2 and/or L3) of CNX1 and/or the control power supply (L1Cand/or L2C).Check and wire the input signal so thatthe SRV-ON input can be connected toCOM–.Check the wiring of CW/CCW over-travelinhibit input and check the set value inSV.Pr53/54.Check and wire the input signal so thatthe strobe input can be connected toCOM–.Check and wire the input signal so thatEMG-STP can be connected to COM–.Check the wiring of P1IN to P32IN.Insert waiting time of 10 ms or more.Check the setting and wiring of the multifunction input 1/2.Complete the homing.Refer to page 114.Check that the transistor of the motoroperation state output turns ON and thenstart the next operation command.If the motor shaft cannot be rotated, askthe local shop to repair the motor.ParameterWiringOthersThe setting of the control mode in the console or themonitor mode of “PANATERM®” may be wrong.The torque limit may be smaller than correct torquenecessary for an operation.A parameter necessary for an operation may not be set.(If any parameter is not set, the error code No. 68 or 69is shown.)An operation command may exceed the maximumtravel range in a positive direction and/or negativedirection.The setting of parameter used by a manufacturer maybe changed from a default setting.Voltage of the main power supply and/or control powersupply may not be correct.The error code No. 11, 12 and/or 13 may occur.The 7-segment LED on the front panel may show [--].The servo-on signal may be in the [--] state in themonitor mode of the console or “PANATERM ®”.The CW/CCW over-travel inhibit input (CWL/CCWL) ofCN X5 may be in the ON state. (“Enable/disable” andlogic are set by SV.Pr53/54.)The CW/CCW over-travel inhibit input may be in the [--]state in the monitor mode of the console or “PANATERM ®”.The strobe input (STB) of CN X5 may remain opened.The strobe input signal may be in the [--] state in themonitor mode of the console or “PANATERM ®”.The emergency stop input (EMG-STP) of CN X5 maybe opened. (The error code No. 39 is shown.)The point specifying input (P1IN to P32IN) of CN X5 maynot be input correctly. (Logic can be set by SV.Pr58.)The state of P1IN to P32IN may not be displayedcorrectly in the monitor mode of the console or“PANATERM ®”.Waiting time from the input of the point specifying input(P1IN to P32IN) of CN X5 to the input of the strobe input(STB) of CN X5 may not be 10 ms or more. (If thewaiting time is less than 10 ms, a target point may beunstable.)The deceleration-and-stop, emergency stop and tempo-rary stop, which are assigned to the multi function input1/2 (EX-IN1/EX-IN2) of CN X5, may turn on.(Function selection and logic can be set by SV.Pr5A/5Cand SV.Pr59/5B, respectively.)Homing may not be completed.The point output may be “0” in the monitor mode of theconsole or “PANATERM ®”.During the execution of an operation command (atransistor of the motor operation state output BUSY ofCN X5 turns OFF), you may start the next operationcommand.The motor shaft drags. The motor does not run.1)After turning the power supply off and separating itfrom the machine, the motor shaft may not be rotatedmanually.2)For the motor equipped with electromagnetic brake,the motor shaft may not be rotated manually if DC 24V is applied to the brake.