133[Operation Setting]OperationSettingWhen an Error (Alarm) Has Occurred (at Servo-ON Command)Caution*1. t1 will be a shorter time of either the setup value of SV.Pr6B or elapsing time for the motor speed to fallbelow 30r/min.t1 will be 0 when the motor is in stall regardless of the setup pf SV.Pr6A.*2. For the action of dynamic brake at alarm occurrence, refer to an explanation of SV.Pr68, "Sequence atalarm ("Parameter setup" at each control mode) as well.*3. When an alarm has been given, the homing is not completed. So, all the transistors of the current posi-tion output (P1OUT to P32OUT: CN X5 Pin 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34) turn OFF (point “0”).AlarmDynamic brakeMotor energizationnormalnot alarmalarmengaged *2non-energizedreleasedenergizedalarmServo-Ready output (S-RDY)Current position output *3(P1OUT to P32OUT)0.5 to 5 mst1 *1engaged (OFF)engaged (OFF)released (ON)approx.30r/minapprox.30r/minreleased (ON)motor speedmotor speedBreak release output(BRK-OFF)t1 *1Setup value of SV.Pr6BSetup value of SV.Pr6Bwhen setup value of SV.Pr6Bis shorter,when time to fall below 30r/min is shorter,all OFF (Point 0)EX.) Point 2