128Caution1) A maximum point number (specified by the settings of SV.Pr57 (selection of number of input points)) istreated as the “Single” operation, regardless of the block setting.2) The change into the last point number (point “10” in this example) of the in-operation signal output (BUSY:CN X5 Pin 28) and the current position output (P1OUT to P32OUT: CN X5 Pin 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34)is made only when the last step operation of the continuous block operation has completed and the strobesignal input (STB: CN X5 Pin 24) is in the OPEN state. Be sure to make the strobe signal input (STB) openafter the in-operation signal output (BUSY) turns OFF.Combined Block OperationIf the block setting of a point number specified by the point specifying input (P1IN to P32IN: CN X5 Pin 3, 4,5, 6, 7 and 8) is “Block” when 16.Pr54 (block operation type setting) is “1” (combined block operation), theoperation which consists of combined step operations from a specified point number to the “Single” pointnumber specified by the block setting.Point specifying input(P1IN to P32IN)SpeedStrobe signal input(STB)In-operation signal output(BUSY)In-deceleration output(DCLON)Positioning completion output(COIN)Point output(P1OUT to P32OUT)Transistor ON Transistor ONTransistor OFFTransistor ON Transistor ONTransistor OFFDeceleration = DEC1Speed = VEL2An operation does not stop and the speed changes from VEL1 into VEL2.Speed = VEL1MAX = ACC1[01][02]Transistor OFF Transistor OFFTransistor OFFMAX 10msMAX 10ms1 (01H)1 (01H)2 (02H)Deceleration = DEC2OpenOpen CloseTravel: 1000 + 5000 = 15000 pulsesMIN10msTransistor ON Transistor ONBlock OperationAbsolute operation (Absolute)Dwell timer operation (Dwell time)Absolute operation (Absolute)5000005000VEL1VEL1VEL2ACC1ACC1ACC2DEC1DEC1DEC2BlockBlockSingle010203Step parameter16-bit positioning parameter16.Pr**54010210141216Symbol in diagram–VEL1VEL2ACC1ACC2DEC1DEC2DescriptionSpecify a type of block operation. ([0] for the continuous block operation)Specify the first speed (0 to 6000 r/min)Specify the second speed (0 to 6000 r/min)Specify the first acceleration speed (0 to 10000 ms)Specify in the acceleration speed in a range between 0 and 3000 r/min.Specify the second acceleration speed (0 to 10000 ms)Specify in the acceleration speed in a range between 0 and 3000 r/min.Specify the first deceleration speed (0 to 10000 ms)Specify in the deceleration speed in a range between 3000 and 0 r/min.Specify the second deceleration speed (0 to 10000 ms)Specify in the deceleration speed in a range between 3000 and 0 r/min.Operation mode Position/Waiting time Speed Acceleration Deceleration BlockST.Pr**• Parameters Used in this Operation Example