110Step OperationExample of Rotary Axis Operation SettingIf the rotary axis operation is specified, the shaft moves in a direction nearest from the current position to atarget position of a step parameter that the rotary axis operation (rotary) has been specified regarding32.Pr03 (Movement per rotation in rotation coordinates) as 360 degrees.A current position of running motor is automatically limited in a range between 0 and [travel per rotation at arotary coordinate –1] as shown below.Origin = 0... , 2, 1 9999, 9998, ...Point 1 = 1250Point 4 = 5000Point 7 = 8750Point 3 = 3750 Point 5 = 6250Point 6 = 7500Point 2 = 2500• If travel per rotation at a rotary coordinate is set to “10000”32.Pr**03Input value10000Parameter nameMovement per rotation in rotation coordinates• Setting of 32-bit positioning parameterRotary axis operation (Rotary)Rotary axis operation (Rotary)Rotary axis operation (Rotary)Rotary axis operation (Rotary)Rotary axis operation (Rotary)Rotary axis operation (Rotary)Rotary axis operation (Rotary)1250250037505000625075008750VEL1VEL1VEL1VEL1VEL1VEL1VEL1ACC1ACC1ACC1ACC1ACC1ACC1ACC1DEC1DEC1DEC1DEC1DEC1DEC1DEC1SingleSingleSingleSingleSingleSingleSingle01020304050607• Setting of step parameterOperation mode Position/Waiting time Speed Acceleration Deceleration BlockNo.Caution1) Control modeThe rotary axis operation is enabled only for the position control (SV.Pr02 = 0). If the rotary axis operationis specified for the full-closed control (SV.Pr02 = 6), an error code No. 69 (undefined data error protection)is shown.2) Restrictions on parameterIf the rotary axis operation is used, the restrictions below are imposed to the parameters not to exceed thelimitation of the current position.NameAbsolute encoder set upHome complete typeHoming skipBlock operation typeHome offsetSetting of maximum movement in plusdirectionSetting of maximum movement in minus directionMovement per rotation in rotation coordinatesSet value11002 to1073741824 0DescriptionThe rotary axis operation requires homing. If “0” or “2” isset, an error code No. 69 (undefined data error protection)is shown when the rotary shaft operation starts.Be sure to set “1” if you use the home offset function.The rotary axis operation requires homing.The combined block operation cannot be used.For 16.Pr37 = 0, set “0”. For 16.Pr37 = 0, set a value in arange between 0 and [movement per rotation at a rotarycoordinate - 1].For any invalid value out of specified range, an error codeNo. 69 (undefined data error protection) is shown whenthe positioning operation starts.A maximum travel limitation error protection cannot beused for the rotary axis operation.PrNo.SV.Pr0B16.Pr3716.Pr3816.Pr5432.Pr0032.Pr0332.Pr0132.Pr02