41[Preparation]PreparationWiring to the Connector, CN X5 (Connection to Host Controller)• Tips on wiringController3mor shorter30cm or longerCOM+GND1CN X5COM–FGV DCPowersupplyMotor2Peripheral apparatus such as host controller should be locatedwithin3m.Separate the main circuit at least 30cm away.Don't pass them in the same duct, nor bind them together.Power supply for control signals (V CC ) between COM+ and COM– (V DC )should be prepared by customer.Use shield twisted pair for the wiring of encoder signal output.Don't apply more than 24V to the control signal output terminals, nor run50mA or more to them.When the relay is directly driven by the control output signals, install adiode in parallel with a relay, and in the direction as the Fig. shows. Thedriver might be damaged without a diode installment, or by reversedirection.Frame ground (FG) is connected to the earth terminal inside of thedriver.• For detailed information, refer to P.42 to 47.• Specifications of the Connector, CN X5For details, refer to P.185, "Options" of Supplement.• Tightening torque of the screws for connector (CN X5) for the connection to the host to be 0.3 to 0.35N • m.Larger tightening torque than these may damage the connector at the driver side.Connector at driver side52986-3679Part nameConnecter (soldering type)Connector cover Connecter (soldering type)Connector coverPart No.54306-3611 or 54306-3619 (lead-free) 54331-036110136-3000VE10336-52A0-008Connecter to be prepared by customer ManufacturerMolex Inc.Sumitomo 3Mor