151[Adjustment]AdjustmentRelease of Automatic Gain Adjusting FunctionSV.Pr2F01234567891011121314151617181920211st notch frequency [Hz](invalid)(invalid)(invalid)(invalid)(invalid)14821426137213191269122111741130108710451005967930895861828796SV.Pr2F222324252627282930313233343536373839404142431st notch frequency [Hz]766737709682656631607584562540520500481462445428412396381366352339SV.Pr2F4445464748495051525354555657585960616263641st notch frequency [Hz]326314302290279269 (invalid when Pr22 >= 15)258 (invalid when Pr22 >= 15)248 (invalid when Pr22 >= 15)239 (invalid when Pr22 >= 15)230 (invalid when Pr22 >= 15)221 (invalid when Pr22 >= 14)213 (invalid when Pr22 >= 14)205 (invalid when Pr22 >= 14)197 (invalid when Pr22 >= 14)189 (invalid when Pr22 >= 14)182 (invalid when Pr22 >= 13)(invalid)(invalid)(invalid)(invalid)(invalid)*Set up 1500 to SV.Pr1D (1st notch frequency) in case of “ invalid ” of the above table.OutlineCautions are described when you want to invalidate the real time auto-gain tuning of default or the adaptive filter.CautionExecute the release of the automatic adjusting functions while all action stop (Servo-OFF)Invalidation of Real-Time Auto-Gain TuningYou can stop the automatic calculation of SV.Pr20 (Inertial ratio) and invalidate the real-time auto-gaintuning by setting up SV.Pr21 (Real time auto tuning set up) to 0.Note that the calculation result of SV.Pr20 (Inertia ratio) will be held, and if this parameter becomes abnor-mal value, use the normal mode auto-gain tuning or set up proper value manually obtained from formula orcalculation.Invalidation of Adaptive FilterWhen you set up SV.Pr23 (Adaptive filter mode) to 0, adaptive filter function which automatically follows theload resonance will be invalidated.If you invalidate the adaptive filter which have been working correctly, noise and vibration may occur due tothe effect of resonance which have been suppressed.Therefore, execute the copying function of the setup of adaptive filter (SV.Pr2F) to the 1st notch frequency(SV.Pr1D), or set up SV.Pr1D (1st notch frequency) manually by using the table below, then invalidate thisfilter.