893-7-2 Bar code/2D code characters (by ASCII and Shift-JIS code): BRSSets the characters to encode of the bar code/2D code objects. Characters including control codes (specified with 2-bytealternative codes), alpha-numeric, functional characters, and Japanese characters are available.⿎ Setting request data / response data for readoutStartcode BRS Subcommand[Object No.] [String No.] [Code data]Max. 62-byte or Max. 63-byte(Checksum) End codeSub command is “S” for the setting request data and “A” for the response data for readout.⿎ Readout request dataStartcode BRS R[Object No.] [String No.]2-byte or3-byte (2D side of composite code)(Checksum) End code⿎ Data descriptionName(> Name in LP-400/V)Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksObject No.(> Bar code No.) 1 “0”–“7”: Object No. 1100 to 1107String No.1or2For bar code/ 1D side of compositecode:“1”–“2”• The string No. is applied to the linefeedof the human readable character. Thelinefeed is not included in the code data.• If the code data length is more than 60-byte, set the character in the severalstring No. They are connected togetherin numerical order without linefeed tocreate the code data.• For EAN/UPC/JAN or 1D side of GS1DataBar Limited/Stacked, set “1” always.• Only for 2D side of the composite code,set this item with 2-byte length.For 2D code:“1”–“9”For 2D side of composite code:“01”–“09”Code data Min. 0Max. 60Input Method: ASCII code or ShiftJIS code (can be mixed)• Use the ASCII code to specify functionalcharacters.• Use the Shift JIS code to specify two-byte characters (double byte characters).• For the characters that can be specifiedin ASCII code, you can use both ASCIIcode and Shift-JIS code.• Specify 0-byte for data length to deletecharacters.• For response data for readout, allcharacters except the functionalcharacters are readout in 2-bytecharacters (Shift-JIS code) regardlessthe settings.Total data lengthMax. 62orMax. 63Variable length.• For bar code/2D code/1D side of composite code: Max. 62-byte• For 2D side of composite code: Max. 63-byteME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3