1323-12-5 Line width / filling line spacing: WDCSets the line width necessary to avoid crossing at marking intersection and the filling line spacing for bold characters andbar codes.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Settings by this command are applied to the object group No. 1000. To the object group No. 1000 the marking dataconverted from LP-400/V files and the data set by LP-400/V compatible command mode belong.⿎ Setting request data / response data for readoutStartcode WDC Subcommand[Line width] [Filling line spacing]10-byte(Checksum) End codeSub command is “S” for the setting request data and “A” for the response data for readout.⿎ Readout request dataStartcode WDC R (Checksum) End code⿎ Data descriptionName Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksLine width 5 “0.010”–“2.000” [mm]It is the segment width for the purpose ofcalculation.Applies to the value of the width for creating theclearance at the intersection of lines comprisingcharacters.Filling line spacing 5 “0.010”–“2.000” [mm]• This setting is applied to both “bold filling linespacing” and “bar code filling line spacing”.• In the response data for readout this valuerepresents the bold filling line spacing.• The bar code filling line spacing specifies thespacing of the marking lines for bar codes andPDF417 modules.Total data length 10 Fixed length.⿎ Example of command settingsCondition: Line width = 0.2, Filling line spacing = 0.1• Setting Transmission data [STX] WDC S 0.2000.100 [CR]• Readout Transmission data [STX] WDC R [CR]Response data [STX] WDC A 0.2000.100 [CR]ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3