673-4-3 Overwrite file: FOROverwrites the current file onto the laser marker.⿎ Setting request dataStartcode FOR S (Check sum) End code⿎ Example of command settings• Setting Transmission data [STX] FOR S [CR]ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• By this command, in addition to the editing file contents, the settings of the global functional characters such as globalcounter, date and lot, and reference list characters for all files are saved to the laser marker.• When the setting is changed by the following commands, the modified data is saved in the laser marker withoutoverwriting operation.• Current counter value of counter settings (CNT)• Counter reset (CTR)• Motion settings (TRG)• Encoder resolution (ENC)• System clock (YMD)3-4-4 Save file to different No.: FRGSaves the current file to the specified file number in the laser marker.⿎ Setting request dataStartcode FRG S [File number]4-byte (Check sum) End code⿎ Data descriptionName Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksFile number 4 “0000”–“9999” When you save files by this command, the active filenumber is switched to the selected number.Total data length 4 The data length is fixed.⿎ Example of command settingsCondition: File number = 1234• Setting Transmission data [STX] FRG S 1234 [CR]ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3