1083-9 Point Radiation Commands3-9-1 Point radiation parameters: PRDSets the position, time and laser power correction ratio of the point radiation.Point radiation is a function lasing at a point of the specified coordinate.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• The data items of PRD command vary depending on the setting details.• If the object type set in the specified object number is not the point radiation, the laser marker returns the negativeresponse.• To adjust the position and laser power of the all radiation points set in the object number, use PRF command (pointradiation correction).⿎ Setting request data: When setting the radiation pointsStartcode PRD S[Object No.] [Point No.][Radiation time] [Laser power correction][X-position] [Y-position] ( [X-position] [Y-position] …)15 + 16n-byte(Checksum) End code⿎ Data descriptionName(> Name in LP-400/V)Data length[byte] Data content RemarksObject No.(> Point radiation No.) 2 “00”–“15”: Object No. 1400 to 1415Point No.(First No. for setting) 3 “000”–“049”• Max. 50 points can be set in one objectno.• Specifies the point no. to be set.• When setting two or more points, thisno. indicates the first no. to be set.Radiation time 7 “00000.1”–“99999.9” [ms]• Radiation time and laser powercorrection settings apply to all pointsspecified in this command.• The unit of the radiation time is always[ms].• The correction ratio of the laser poweris calculated using the value set at thelaser settings as 100%.Laser powercorrection 3 “000”–“999” [%]X-position 8“-999.999”–“+999.999” [mm]• Specifies the position of the selectedpoint no.• When setting the position of only onepoint, do not send further data.• Specify both X- and Y-position. It is notaccepted to specify only one side.Y-position 8……• When setting two or more points,specify the position of the followingpoint no.• Max. 50 points of positions can be set.X-position (8)Y-position (8)Total data length Min. 31Max. 815Variable length within 15 + 16n-byten=Count of the points to set position (n ≦ 50)• When setting only one point: 31-byte• When setting 50 points: 815-byteME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3