1133-10 Layout/Position Adjustment Commands3-10-1 File settings: ALCAdjusts the marking position and layout for each file. These settings are applied to all marking data in the selected file.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• “Number of overwritings” and “Overwriting interval” settings by this command are applied to the object group No. 1000.To the object group No. 1000 the marking data converted from LP-400/V files and the data set by LP-400/V compatiblecommand mode belong.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, Z-movement cannot be set.• When the setting value of the number of overwritings is more than 100, it is not possible to readout the setting by thiscommand.⿎ Setting request data / response data for readoutStartcode ALC Subcommand[X-movement] [Y-movement] [Number of overwritings][Overwriting interval] [Rotation movement][Y-axis mirroring] [X-axis mirroring] [Proportional type]31-byte or 30-byte(Checksum) End codeSub command is “S” for the setting request data and “A” for the response data for readout.⿎ Readout request dataStartcode ALC R (Check sum) End code⿎ Data descriptionName(> Name in LP-400/V)Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksX-movement 8 “-999.999”–“+999.999” [mm] • Moves the coordinate of the all markingdata in the file.• The rotation center is the center of themarking field.Y-movement 8Rotation movement 7 “-180.00”–“+180.00” [°]Number ofoverwritings 2 “01”–“99” [times]Overwriting interval 3 “0.0”–“9.9” [s]“000”–“060” [s]When on-the-fly marking is set, set always 0second to overwriting interval.Y-axis mirroring 1 “0”: Do not invert“1”: Invert It is an inversion to Y-axis.X-axis mirroring 1 “0”: Do not invert“1”: Invert It is an inversion to X-axis.Proportional type *(> Kerning) (1)“1”: Proportional 1“2”: Proportional 2“3”: Proportional 3• When “proportional” is set to the characterspacing type in the character objectsettings, select the level of spacing. Thelower the number is, the smaller thespacing is.• When this item is omitted, the data setlast (the initial value if it was not set) ismaintained.Total data length 31(30)Fixed length.• When Proportional type is not omitted: 31-byte• When Proportional type is omitted: 30-byte• Response data for readout: 31-byte* This item can be omitted.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3