312-3 Communication Data FormatUse the ASCII code basically for the communication data.For the characters which cannot be indicated with ASCII code, use Shift JIS code.The characters enclosed with double quotation marks (“ ”) in the description below indicate the ASCII code. Thecharacters enclosed with [ ] indicate the control codes. For the case that you may use the character code other thanASCII code, it is described in each case.2-3-1 Basic data format⿎ Basic data formatHead EndStart code Command*1Sub command*1Data defined per data andcommand type Check sum End code1-byte 3-byte 1-byte 2-byteor N/A1-byteor 2-byteItem DescriptionStart code A start code is a code to identify the data head.Depending on the data type, the start code is fixed as follows:• Setting request code, readout request code, response code for readout: [STX] 02 (HEX)• Positive response code: [ACK] 06 (HEX)• Negative response code: [NAK] 15 (HEX)Command *1 The alphabetical characters consisting of three characters (3-byte) representing the controlcontents.For command types and description, refer to “3-1 Command List” (P.51).Sub command *1 One-byte alphabetic character representing the communication data type.The sub command is fixed to the following alphabetic characters:• Setting request code: “S”• Readout request code: “R”• Response code for readout: “A”Check sum(RS-232C only)Check sum is the value to detect an error during data communication.You can enable or disable the check sum. It is disabled in the initial settings.Check sum cannot be enabled with Ethernet communication.End code End code is a code to identify the end of data.• To use RS-232C, select either [CR]: 0D (HEX) or [CR][LF]: 0D0A (HEX).• To user Ethernet, it is fixed to [CR]: 0D (HEX).*1 : Included only in the setting request data, readout request data and response data for readout.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Set the check sum and end code on the “system settings” screen of Laser Marker NAVI smart. Refer to “1-1-3 Settingsbefore external control” (P.14).• There is no separating character among the each terms.• When using the external device set by 2-byte, [NUL]: 00 (HEX) can be used. Add [NUL] before the start code or after theend code.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3