3Cautions in HandlingTo reduce the risk of injury, loss of life, electric shock, fire, malfunction, and damage to equipment or property, alwaysobserve the following safety precautions.The following symbols are used to classify and describe the level of hazard, injury, and property damage caused when thedenotation is disregarded and improper use is performed.DANGER Denotes a potential hazard that will result in serious injury or death.WARNING Denotes a potential hazard that could result in serious injury or death.CAUTION Denotes a hazard that could result in minor injury.The following symbols are used to classify and describe the type of instructions to be observed.This symbol is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must not be performed.This symbols is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must be followed in order tooperate the unit safely.This symbols is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must be performed carefully.DANGER• Never look at laser beam directly, through lens orthrough any other optical components. Laser beamradiation into the eye causes blindness or seriousdamage to the eye.Not only the direct beam of laser, but also diffusedreflected beam is harmful.• Never touch laser beam and avoid human skin, clothing and any otherflammable object from laser beam exposure directly.Burning into deep skin might result and there is a risk of fire.ALWAYS FOLLOW THESE IMPORTANTSAFETY PRECAUTIONS!ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3