32⿎ How to calculate the check sumConvert the data from the start code to those before the check sum into the hexadecimal values according to the ASCIIcode table and add them all together.When the character code other than ASCII code is used in the data, convert them into the hexadecimal values according tothe each character code table.Check sum is the value calculated by converting the lower one-byte of the total value into two characters in the ASCII code.Calculation example• Calculating the check sum of the following setting request dataStart codeSTXCommand“LPW”Sub command“S”Data example:[Laser power]“042.5”ChecksumEnd codeCR02 4C 50 57 53 30 34 32 2E 35 34 31 0D (HEX)• Convert the start code to the end of data into hexadecimal values and add them all together. Include the start code forthe addition.02 + 4C + 50 + 57 + 53 + 30 + 34 + 32 + 2E + 35 = 241 (HEX)• “41”, which is the lower one-byte (lower two-digit) characters of 241 (HEX), is converted to 34 31 (HEX) in the two-character ASCII code.2-3-2 Request dataRequest data in the following format will be transmitted when you control the laser marker from the external device.⿎ Setting request data formatRequest data to modify or create the laser marker data or to control the laser marker operations.The start code is [STX]: 02 (HEX). The sub command is “S”.Start code[STX] Command Sub command“S”Variable-length data or fixed-lengthdata Check sum End code1-byte 3-byte 1-byte The maximum data length isdefined per command2-byteor N/A1-byteor 2-byte⿎ Readout request data formatRequest data to read out the status or setting data of the laser marker.The start code is [STX]: 02 (HEX). The sub command is “R”.Start code[STX] Command Sub command“R”Variable-length data or fixed-lengthdata Check sum End code1-byte 3-byte 1-byte The maximum data length isdefined per command2-byteor N/A1-byteor 2-byteContent of variable-length data/fixed-length data partThe content to specify varies depending on the command.Use ASCII code to input the numeric values or character strings.For the characters which cannot be indicated with ASCII code, use Shift JIS code.There is no separating character among the each terms. Input them in a row.Some items can be omitted for some commands.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• For details on how to input variable-length data or fixed-length data, refer to “2-3-4 Character input method” (P.36)and “2-3-5 Character data input method” (P.37).ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3