743-5-4 Character object settings: STCSets the position and size of the character object (reference list type) and conditions including text characteristics.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• This command is applied to the character objects (reference list type).• If you want to change the position and laser power correction value of the character object only, use SPC command as ashortened command.• Configurations of TrueType object cannot be set with communication command.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, the character object other than the reference list type cannot be set.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, the character string No. 51 to 100 cannot be set and readout.⿎ Setting request data / response data for readoutStartcode STC Subcommand[Object No.] [System reserved value] [First string No. to apply][Last string No. to apply] ... (varies by character arrangement)(Checksum)EndcodeSub command is “S” for the setting request data and “A” for the response data for readout.⿎ Readout request dataStartcode STC R [Object No.]2-byte (Check sum) End code⿎ Data description1. When the character arrangement is straight lineName(> Name in LP-400/V)Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksObject No.(> Charactercondition No.)2 “01”–“60”: Object No. 1001 to 1060System reservedvalue(> Area No.)1 “0”–“9”, “A”–“F” This value does not affect the settingsanymore.First string No. toapply 2“01”–“50”: string No. 1 to 50 (for currentfile)“51”–“60”: string No. 101 to 110 (for allfiles)• Select the string number from thepreset reference list.• Applies all strings from the firststring No. to the last string No. to thespecified object.• Specify the smaller no. to the startingrow no. than the last string No.• To set only one string, set the samestring No. to the first and last stringNo.• If the string No. without setting isspecified, that string is included inthe marking layout as a blank line.Last string No. toapply 2Character spacingtype 1“0”: Fixed spacing“1”: Proportional“2”: Justify• With “Justify” setting in straight line,if the value of character width x digitnumber is smaller than the characterstring width, the character width isadjusted narrower automatically.• When the proportional is set, selectthe proportional type in file settings.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3